These first words from the now famous essay ‘content is king’ published in 1996 by the Microsoft Chief, Bill Gates , reflect how important the role of meaningful content has been in driving  marketing success for a little over a decade now .  It can be argued that if content on a 140-character platform can have long lasting and often irreversible impact for organizations, we would do well to up the ante on content and storytelling to build favorable reputation for our brands.
In the last 30 years, mankind has produced more information than in the previous 5000. A recent study done by the Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profssuggests that                
On average, the most effective marketers are spending 37 % of their marketing budgets on content marketing, which is up from 33% last year. 55% plan on increasing content marketing spending next year. 70% are already creating more content than last year. “ 
A Market Experiencing Content Burn Out
With the explosion in publishing and the evolution of content marketing to its present avatar, we are consuming more and more content every walking minute. The real challenge for B2B marketers in the face of growing desensitization of their audience is no longer producing enough content but producing content that is engaging and of value.   
Enter Hyper Relevance
With connected devices, wearables and mobile first technologies, today’s marketers have unprecedented access to more information and greater insight into customer preferences. Few companies demonstrate the ability to create customer-driven content blueprint and deliver experiences that truly benefit the customer. The ‘how-to’ begins with hyper-relevance not just in the online world but at every touch point along your customer’s journey.  
It’s no longer enough to just have great content; you now need to know how, when, where, and to whom, you should deliver it.” 
Beyond identifying web and mobile users and serving appropriate content in the right format, the latest technologies can identify context, sentiment or express moods, as well as associate content with appropriate design or look and feel, to enhance text, images, or sounds to deliver a truly personalized, immersive experience.
“2015 will be the year when marketers will wake up to hyper-targeting. Only 10% of online visitors find what they are looking for when interacting with online content. Savvy digital marketers will be able to match traffic with business attributes, identify segments they want to grow and serve them with a precisely targeted message.” - Christophe Primault, CEO, GetApp (
 Getting Hyper Relevance Right
Hyper-relevance demands that you have the ability to tailor interactions with your customers, seamlessly meshing the organization’s goals to individual’s interests.
Right Customer:
We are in the era of “post-demographic consumerism”.  The online behavior and consumption of the consumers is no longer defined by previously used demographic segmentation based on age, gender, location, income, etc. Today audiences of all demographics have access to mobile, social, and wearables and what differentiates them is their comfort levels in using these tools and their willingness to share information. With complex customer journeys, how do you ensure that the content resonates with right target audience? A combination of traditional methods of segmentation based on demographics, psychographics, archetypes and personas and the new-age analytics tools to track real-time conversations and shifting interests of the consumers is the right path to go down on.    
Right Message:
The genesis of the right message begins with understanding the motivations of the consumer. For instance, Harley-Davidson did not focus on the base product the motorcycles instead chose to appeal to the lifestyle, adventure and persona of a potential Harley-Davidson. The content must tap into the essence of what the consumer hopes to accomplish. It has to be simple, direct, and easy to remember. It must rightfully intrigue and capture the interest of the customer.
 Right Medium:
The next step is to identify the format and channel that is right for the message. The selection of the channel explicitly focuses on the online forums, social media and other destinations frequented by your audience. Your choice of medium impacts the extent to which customers can engage with the content, and should be in sync with the objective of the content - is the content looking at initiating conversation or merely aimed at dispensing information?  
Right Time:
Once the message is crafted, the audience identified, and the medium chosen, you need to establish the time and frequency (if applicable) to deliver the message. Marketers use marketing automation tools to track the audiences’ activity and group them as per their interests.  With this data at hand, marketers can send high targeted message to the right audience at the right time in the buyer’s journey.
In an overcrowded digital landscape, it is often tough to get the attention your content deserves. The answer lies in Hyper Relevance- tailoring your message to suit the needs of your audience is the only way you can hold their interest, expect their participation, be in their minds when they are ready to commit to a purchase.